Romance is Sweet Gift Basket

  • The perfect gift for Valentine’s Day, an anniversary or a birthday, the Romance is Sweet Gift Basket from Yorkville’s is virtually a romantic evening in a basket. With chocolate, cookies, fine liquor and more, it’s a delightfully decadent way to spoil someone special. This gift basket includes a bottle of liquor (which can be upgraded if you like from our extensive collection), a box of Bruges Classic gourmet chocolate, a handmade cookie, a scented candle, a serving tray, and an adorable stuffed bear. Pamper them with a gift from Yorkville’s. Of course, you may always add on your choice of wine, beer, champagne, gourmet snacks, and more from our extensive custom options.

  • Items Included In This Gift Basket:

    Candle- Large Rustic Red Candle: This red candle is scented and stands at 6 inch tall. It has a rustic quality to it that will fit with any decor, 3.5 inches in diameter.

    Cookie- Heart Sugar Cookie With Royal Icing: This Valentine’s Day treat is sure to please, a flavourful sugar cookie and topped with royal icing. We do our best to keep our products as healthy and safe for all users, but they are processed in the same facility as products that contain peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, and milk products.

    Truffles- Bruges Red Sleeved Truffle Box 240 g: Any time can be extra special when you sit down to enjoy a selection of Bruges assorted truffles. 240 g

    Plush - Tan Snuggle Bear: Soft tan in color and perfectly huggable, this tan snuggle bear wears a ribbon around its neck and has a soft brown nose.

    Tray- Woven Rectangular Tray Small: The Woven Rectangular Tray is a great way to decorate or serve your favorite items. With an eye-catching woven design and natural aesthetic, add texture to your space with this tray. Metric: 30 x 20 x 6 cm

    Spirits- Bottle of Spirits: This gift set includes a bottle of premium liquor. This bottle of liquor may be upgraded to any of the liquors from our extensive collection of alcohols from around the world, including several upgrade options that are available at zero additional cost. Additional bottles of wine, champagne, liquor or beer may be added as well to make this great liquor gift even better.

What Is Included in this Liquor Gift Basket?

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