Cuddly Bouquet for the Baby Girl

  • Say congratulations with Cuddly Bouquet for the Baby Girl. Whether you send it to the lucky parents in the hospital, bring it to the baby shower, or send it home while the new parents are settling in, this unique and charming gift is a lovely way to gift new baby essentials. It contains a bouquet made up of essential baby gifts including five diapers, a onesie, two baby bibs, four washcloths, a beautiful knitted blanket, and four pairs of socks. If you wish, you can add on your choice of wine, beer, champagne, gourmet snacks, fresh fruit, and more from our custom options for a beautiful gift that will delight the whole family.

  • Blanket - Pink Knit Baby Blanket : Knit baby blankets are a classic baby gift and a wonderful way to welcome any new family member home! This charming blanket is pink.

    Onesie - Pink Body Suit : In a lovely pink, this bodysuit is soft and comfortable for new babies.

    Socks- 4 Pairs Of Baby Socks - In a lovely pink, this bodysuit is soft and comfortable for new babies.

    Washcloths Baby Washcloths 4 Pack : New parents can never have enough washcloths for little ones and all the cleanups they need. Soft and absorbent, this set of cloths comes in a pack of 4.

    Diapers - 5 Diapers : Expecting parents can always use more diapers!

    Bibs - 2 Baby Bibs Great for spills or spit-ups, this bib is durable, washable, and will get the job done right!

Substitution Policy

There may be instances where certain products are unavailable due to seasonal limitations or discontinuation. In such cases, we will strive to replace the product with an alternative of equal or higher value. Our goal is to ensure that you still receive a product that meets or exceeds your expectations, while maintaining the quality and experience you anticipate. We appreciate your understanding and assure you that any substitutions will be made with care, keeping your satisfaction in mind.